
[ G E T - O R G A N I S E D ]

If you've read my '2017' blog, you will know that one of my new years resolutions is to organise my life better. SO, I thought it would be super cool and helpful (hopefully) to give you some of my tips and ideas on how to organise and plan your days or any busy periods you have coming up.

I am a HUGE sucker for all things stationery and always enjoy shopping for pens, pencils, notebooks and whatever else I can use to write or plan ahead with. Even though I never use it all, or I lose half of it, I love to buy new bits and bobs to keep me motivated.

Here is a list of products I have picked up and think will help me in being successful with organisation:

Daily Diary

Also featured in the 2017 blog is my diary. I absolutely love this diary, it is a simple stripe design that looks awesome. It was actually a Christmas  present so I do not know where it is from... If I find out, I will update this blog! Anyway, this is the PERFECT diary as the lay out allows each day to have it's own page. This means there is a lot of space to write down all of your plans and not have to leave anything out. In the front page there are a sheet of stickers including; holidays, meetings, work, to-do and dates. It just really helps to keep  up to date with things you want/need to do.

My Tips: 
  • If you work, write down the hours that you have worked so you can refer to them for pay references etc.
  • Colour code each task you plan to do - work, homework, meetings, trips,  activities,
  • Write down a quote (if you remember) on each page, to motivate yourself and lift your spirits,
  • Go to a deadline you have, and then count down for the days leading up to it so that you will not forget!


These notebooks were a pack of three from KMART, each are 64 pages which is really handy to use each one for individual things. There are so many choices for notebooks; sizes, colours, thickness etc. and they cool too. I never really use all of the notebooks I have, however I am a lot more motivated when  I have new, pretty notebooks waiting to be written in!

My Tips:

  • If you are at school or currently studying this is the best way to separate your subjects and split up topics that you need to study. 
  • If you are a blogger, these are amazing to use to organise all of your ideas, for example; one book for baking ideas/plans, one for beauty, and the other for lifestyle blog ideas.
  • If you enjoy writing stories, poems or letters, these are good to use for writing paper so you can keep all of your pieces in one place.
  • If like me, and you love stationery... you don't even need to justify it. Just get them because they look cool and make you look more organised. (Not so much a tip, more of a reason to buy them).
  • If you love to cook or bake, it is a cool idea to use each book for a food category i.e. cakes, cookies, lunches, smoothies etc.
More Notebooks

(From TYPO). 
I like this one because it is a thicker than the other notebooks I have which means I can use this for something that requires a lot of writing, or ideas. 

My Tips:
  • You can pretty much use this for the same reasons as the other notebooks, however you can write with more depth or if it is a subject that you need to write a lot for, then this is perfect to cover all the space you will need.
  • I also like using binder books because they are lot higher quality and less likely to fall apart. So if you use a notebook all the time, I recommend a binder book.
  • If you enjoy jotting down random notes or writing down inspirational quotes to read back on, I find bigger books work perfectly as you can write much more down!
  • As the pages are easier to rip out of binder books, they are good to write down daily to-do lists.

A5 Binder Notebooks

(Also, from TYPO)
Smaller notebooks are THE BEST for popping into your bag, and will always come in handy if you are out and about. These I use to jot down things when I remember and then transfer them as neater version into the bigger notebooks.

My Tips:
  • These mini notebooks are perfect for taking on a day out or for travelling as they fit in most bags, without taking up too much room.
  • If you are a creative thinker and your mind runs at 200 miles per hour (like mine) then it's great to have a notebook at hand whenever you think up the next awesome thing so you can quickly jot it down for future reference. 
  • Again, you can use these for the same reasons; school, blogging ideas, recipes, to-do lists etc.

Mini Memo Pad

I always find that when I'm in the middle of doing something, I will all of a sudden remember something important and NEED to write it down before I forget again. (It is SO frustrating when you forget!). Mini memo pads, similar to post - it - notes but without the sticky bit are AMAZING for people like me! Especially when you gotta write it down quick because you know your mind will move on to something irrelevant!

My Tips:

  • Make them easily accessible - pop them in a place you go to quite often in your home, or room. I find that either a desk/study area or in the kitchen are perfect places to keep them.
  • If you don't like using a big, bulky bag, these are a good little size to keep with you at all times... you know, just incase.
  • Write down all the things you need to remember - make a doctors appointment, pay a bill, empty the dishwasher before mum gets home etc. and leave it somewhere you know you'll see.
  • You can use them for quick bursts of inspiration, or ideas that you want to write down for future reference .

Colourful Pens

(Trusty KMART again)
Coloured pens are ALWAYS a good idea and ALWAYS lots of fun. I find that when I am trying to get myself organised, or when I am struggling to find motivation. Having cool pens, makes me want to write more.

My Tips:
  • Colour Co-Ordinate - use different colours to code each category of things you need to do/have done. For example; blue - work, purple - chores, green - meetings, orange - seeing friends, pink - study deadlines. 
  • Make it pretty - doodle on the pages so that you feel excited to get organised, and it's fun to do too!

Black/Blue/Red Biro Writing Pens

Pretty self explanatory but if you don't know why they a necessity with organisation... I'll tell you. Basically, they enable you to write down everything that you need too. They tend to be more professional ink colours to use.

My Tips:
  • When writing in a diary or notebook, I think that it is good to write down the majority of your work in blue or black ink and then highlight over, or write in a different colour to make specific words or phrases stand out. 
  • if you are writing formally, for work or school, it is more professional to write in blue or black ink.

It helps to work in an open, clear space to clear your mind and calm you down. Nothing worse than trying to be organised when you are feeling cramped and stressed. I really hope that the ideas I have written about inspire you to get organised and have helped you realise it's not too hard to do! I know some people naturally have a nick for organisation. Although for the few of you like me - it can be hard, it can be done!

What do you find useful when it comes to organisation? Do you have any top tips? 

Love Abby x


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