
[ L U S H - H A U L ]

Prepare yourselves, this will be one heck of a lot of Lush products. They are Christmas presents I received, and also a cheeky little (big*) order I may have placed during the sales...What is your fave Christmas Lush product? (I don't blame you if you can't pick just one!)


I was given one type of shower gel  for Christmas which is my ultimate FAVE. I got quite a few bottles, so they will last me a while.... YAY!

S N O W   F A I R Y

If you do not love nor like sweet scents... this is not the gel for you. As soon as you crack open the lid you are welcomed with a strong scent of sweet, pretty, bubblegum goodness! I love using this before bed as it always makes me feel like I will have sweet dreams while I sleep. However, this is also an amazing way to start your day off the right way and set you out for sweet encounters. It is a glittery, pink combination that I have just loved for years, all year round. Tip for best use: Lather on, leave for a minute or slowly let the water run it off to keep the scent stronger for longer.

100g - $9.95   250g - $18.50   500g - $31.50


Having never actually tried a Lush body conditioner I was intrigued to try this. What better way to try than with a comforting Argan and Cocoa Butter blend.

R O 'S   A R G A N

Skin conditioners are just absolutely amazing. ESPECIALLY in summer to keep your body hydrated and moisturised (better for tanning). This particular skin conditioner is a perfect way to hydrate your skin as it is a blend nutty oils, and body butters. Argan oils are gorgeous on the body to fight dry skin, and cocoa butter which is my go to hydration and comforter ingredient and scent. It is a relaxing scent with a floral rose which I will use in the evening after a day in the sun. Similar to a hair conditioner, you smooth over your body whilst in the bath or shower and then rinse off under the water and you are left with gorgeous looking soft skin with no need to moisturise after your shower or bath..BONUS!

225g - $32.95


Lush soaps always last me a long time, and when you are out of your bath or shower the scent will still be with you, which I often find does not happen often with other brands.

R O C K S T A R    S O A P

Similar to snow fairy this is a sweet sensation but this has a more relaxing scent which will enable you to have an unwinding, comforting wash. This soap is filled with scents of vanilla mixed with coconut oil  and a dash of sparkle which excites me so much for bath time. (I actually have just finished my last Rockstar soap, so perfect timing).

100g - $6.95 (My soap was part of the Christmas Candy Box)

R E I N D E E R    R O C K

Reindeer's smell SO GOOD! Such a gorgeous colour - a turquoise soap with a carved reindeer filled with gold shimmery goodness. This is a soap version of the comforter bubble bar (Purple and white swirly circle - berrylicious!) which creates a berry fragrance. This soap is made up of dried lingonberries, bergamot, jasmine, rose and coconut infusions and oils which comes together with a gorgeous scent that is perfect anytime of the day - Morning - start your day off with a floral fruity scent - Night Time - end your day with a comforting berry calm scent and gentle coconut oils.



This was a purchase that was not in the sale (could not resist), I just thought it looked awesome and so much fun for bath time. I have a very creative mind and this is just perfect for when I am trying to unwind whilst being creative and having fun.

S N O W   F A I R Y   F U N

yum yum yum

This range of products (fun) is similar to play dough in texture which is always lots of fun. You get three colours - white, pink and shimmery gold with some paper cut outs of fairy wings and a magic wand. The colours are there for you to create a snow fairy for yourself, or get really creative and make something up like a fairy mountain with blended colours. It is of course, the sweet sweet smell of candy floss and bubblegum with a glittery residue. PERFECT.
So the point of fun? It can be used as a bubble bar, shampoo or a body wash. Which just makes this even more fun. It will last a while too, so you can savour the goodness.



These are a product I have only started to use in 2016, and I cannot get enough! You can get like two baths worth in each bar, and they are all just awesomely designed too! Say no more... Here's the ones I picked out...

T H E   C H R I S T M A S   P E N G U I N

*cue the 'aww's'*

Sososososo cute! This penguin bubble bar smells exactly like a typical lush product, blended with bergamot oils, orange and citrus oils that come together to create the perfect comforting scent. This is the kind of bath product to be used before bed to help clear your mind and send you off into a relaxing sleep for the night. Citrusy scents are one of my faves to help calm me and allow myself to relax and not worry so much. Crumbling this under the running water will allow your for maybe two or three baths depending on how strong you would prefer the scent to be.


P E E P I N G   S A N T A

Now, this one a lot of people use as an iconic lush Christmas product. Well, it is Santa, and it is/was Christmas, so it makes sense right? Firstly, It's cute, and it is Santa, peeping, under his hat. This one I think I've had before when I was younger, also when I had no idea that Lush sold products other than Snow Fairy Shower Gel and cool bath bombs. So I failed at using this as a bubble bar but still smelt great.. So, this time I will use him properly!

Anyway, he smells just as sweet as he looks. Including Bergamot oil, dark chocolate, geranium oil. A light fruity scent that is perfect for anytime of the day, mixed with shea butter which is absolutely beautiful on the skin, and cocoa butter which creates a soft, silky feeling for your skin. What I love about this is that when I am out of the bath, I don't need to moisturise because my skin feels hydrated enough. 


C A N D Y   M O U N T A I N

I really  love sweet scents... can you tell? Anyway, Candy Mountain is a popular bubble bar that has been out for a few years. I love the design of this one because it is good for preserving or splitting between two baths. By breaking the top off, there will be enough to crumble twice. Candy Mountain is gorgeous for bathing at night time as it is blended with Vanilla Absolute which is comforting for the mind, and many people reach for vanilla as a bath and body product. Filled with and covered in snowflake lustre which gives a gorgeous shimmer and leaves you feeling sweet and smelling lovely.



I love reusable bubble bars because you do not have to use the whole thing in one or two go's. In fact you could get around six plus. So you are sure to get your money's worth.


Definitely one to catch your eyeThe colours just make this bubble bar look so playful and lots of fun. Not only does it look pretty cool but it will sure last a long time too. Jester gives off a really sweet, fruity scent that is one I particularly reach for when it comes to having a bath hat will not leave me feeling too sleepy, and give me an energy boost. A blend of soothing oils; Tangerine, Sicilian Mandarin and Bergamot give the perfect scent for a wake-me-up bath in the morning. Also perfect as the oils will work wonders and leave your skin feeling smooth and refreshed. I would recommend swirling your bubble bar under the running water for about 7 seconds and then swirl around the bath 3 times.. this I find leaves me with the perfect amount of bubbles. 
(For an extra sweet and super fun bath, I would pop in Dragon's Egg Bath Bomb)



This is a rather cute one. Again, reusable bubble bars are amazing and you really do get your money's worth! So far I have used my Santasaurus (Not the one pictured, I purchased two in the sale) four times and the hat has dissolved a little and come away from the stick, so I will have a few more baths out of it! The only thing is that eventually the bubble bar will break away from the stick...but then you can break it up and crumble under the tap like the other bubble bars! Scent wise... just gorgeous! Brazillian Orange Oil and Bergamot Oil come together to create a zesty, citrus scent... but also leaves a sweet honey smell (or is that just me?). Lovely for any time of the day, although it is not hydrating or soothing for the skin, so I'd still recommend moisturising when you are dry.


M A G I C   W A N D

LOVE LOVE LOVE this one! Well considering I love Snow Fairy too, it just wouldn't make any sense if I didn't. Again, this is a super sweet scent like bubblegum or candyfloss. It is a gorgeous pink colour and covered in stunning silver shimmer that will leave you and your bath sparkling. I particularly love using this is in my bath because it makes me feel all uplifted and happy. Along with this bubble bar, I love using my Snow Fairy shower gel just to double the sweetness. Synthetic Musk adds a soothing scent that I think that you could probably get around 6 baths with a decent amount of swirls in, (you could possibly get a few more or a few less depending on how much you use it in a go) so you can enjoy it for longer. If you are not a fan of shimmer.. maybe avoid this one!



Many people's fave Lush product. Bath bombs are such an amazing experience as you watch colours blend together, and have the amazing smells coming up from the air and filling your bathroom with exciting, comforting scents.. that many people will recognise and know you've just had the most awesome bath.

S H O O T   F O R   T H E   S T A R S

Over the Christmas period, I used a couple of these. I absolutely love this one, the colour, the glitter, the smell... just everything about it! Once you've popped this one into the bath you are instantly greeted with a swirling bath tub filled with Turquoise blue water, marbled with pure white bubbles and gorgeous shimmery gold glitter. After watching the bath bomb dissolve, the gold stars start to swim around the bath leaving a trail of gold shimmer that just looks beautiful along with the blue. Defo one of my fave bath bombs in the whole Lush collection. As well as the gorgeous colours, this is the perfect bath time treat because of the amazing scents and ingredients put into it. Organic Cocoa Butter is lovely in the bath with coconut cream, which leaves your skin feeling silky soft when you get out of the bath. This means there is no need to moisturise... unless of course you just can't help it, and you have a gorgeous moisturiser that you're dying to use... then go for it! A mix of citrus and fruity oils create a gentle scent together to help you enjoy this to the maximum because of their energising and uplifting effects; Brazilian Orange Oil, Bergamot Oil, Gardenia extract and Almond Oil. 


A U T U M N   L E A F

Just perfect for relaxing. It just smells so gentle and soothing. I am saving this one for a day where I feel stressed, tense and in desperate need for a calming bath to help me forget about all of my worries. The pastel colouring also adds to the gentle, calming effect this bath bomb will offer you. Some of my fave ingredients that I reach for when I'm wanting to relax and unwind. Bergamot Oil is one that really gets into your senses and just smells super comforting, especially mixed with Neroli Oil which again is uplifting. Another ingredient which really excites me is the Japanese Maple sap - How awesome does this sound?! It gives such a sweet, but not overpowering scent which will make you feel, light (happy, uplifted) and refreshed... which is perfect just before good nights sleep.


 F I Z Z B A N G E R

Fizzbanger really does live up to its name. Full of exciting ingredients that put on a show in the bath. Popping candy to represent fireworks which are always fun in the bath (also in the Experimenter bath bomb which is just insane!) and various colours all blending together which looks amazing too! So, this bath bomb is a bright yellow, however when it has started to fizz, the inside leaves the water a streaky teal blue/green colour with yellow all around. It gives off an apple cinnamon scent which is calming and warm. Also mixed in is Ylang Ylang that is an anti-depressant with floral and uplifting scents. I would recommend using moisturiser when you have finished in the bath, to hydrate your skin, and create a silky smooth feel.


L U X U R Y   L U S H   P U D

A Christmas classic at Lush. Luxury Lush Pud is the perfect treat before bed with a strong scent of Lavender which is naturally soothing and calming. It also has a blend of soothing Ylang Ylang Oil and Gardenia extract to help you relax in the bath. The colours combine to form a pastel haven in the bath that looks so pretty and will definitely help you unwind ready for bed. Lavender is the best scent/ingredient to choose for a bath before bed as it tends to make you feel sleepy. If you struggle with sleep, or find it hard to unwind I would highly recommend using lavender based or infused products to soothe your mind.



Yes.. Not that long ago I blogged about this one...Now having used it... I so NEEDED another one. Still super in love with this, and has remained one of my top ever bath bombs. From watching the factory video of it being made, to laying in the bath surrounded by the awesome colours! Strong smells of fresh peppermint that instantly make you feel clean and revitalised.. I loved this one in the late afternoon, which left me feeling uplifted and energised. The colours just work like magic and I was mesmerised by how cleverly this was created. Covered in shimmery glitter and gold lustre... I was very happy. 


S E X   B O M B

One I have used time and time again, Sex Bomb is a fave of mine. Blended with Ylang Ylang that is good for lifting spirits and a strong anti-depressant along with Jasmine that gives a sense of well-being and creates a calm mind. This is a gorgeous bath bomb to use on a pampering night, or a date night to leave you feeling lovely and excited. The water turns a romantic pink which is girly, pretty and really really sweet. The petals in the top, float around the top of the water which adds to the romantic and gorgeous feeling Sex Bomb offers. I love using Snow Fairy shower gel with this, to leave me smelling sweet and shimmering with glitter, and then moisturising to give you silky glowing skin.


N O R T H E R N   L I G H T S

So much awesomeness! If you've never seen the northern lights (like me) then I guess this is a cool/cheaper alternative that will make you smell great. On the other side of this is yellow and when placed in the bath, this bath bomb twirls around shooting out blue and yellow in a marbled pattern which looks amazing and gives you a cool experience watching the colours come together. This is a rather large bath bomb, but for full effect I would put it all in at once (I know some people like to halve them when they are bigger... but oh my it's so pretty as one!) and enjoy watching the colours swirl. It has an uplifting scent of Ylang Ylang Oils and Jasmine Absolute that will calm your mind and leave you feeling relaxed and stress-free. This one I have heard a lot of reviews about, so when I received this at Christmas I just could not wait to try out for myself. FYI - You will not be disappointed.


Cannot wait to use all of these products and continue to grow my collection....roll on Feb 4th for all the Lush Australia Valentine's Products! I hope you liked my take on these Lush products and enjoyed having a long ol' read.

Love, Abby x


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