[ W E L C O M E - S P R I N G ]
It's the start of a new season!
I love this season because it comes just after the cold, rainy months. Don't get me wrong, autumn and winter I love but there's something about spring that feels refreshing and clean. It could be the saying 'spring clean'. But here in Australia it starts to get really warm and it just feels so nice seeing the beach with a blue sky high above.
Spring appeals more to me than summer because it's the perfect temp. The sun is beaming down and the flowers are starting to re bloom... but you're not too much of a sweaty mess. Summer can be too hot sometimes! Spring brings perfect days for picnics at the beach or the local park! Its not too hot for animals so you can go for long walks at the park with your dogs!
Fashion gets brighter and I see less grey and black in my wardrobe! I try every year to accentuate more colour into my life, usually by what I wear! So I am excited to start seeing more colours and cool styles in stores soon!
I love BBQ food. Warmer weather makes me CRAVE some good Ol' BBQ food. Being in Australia means we experience more sunny days than colder days. Roll on the warm weather!!
I'll be clearing out evvvverything and donating so much to charity! I love feeling refreshed and organised and there's no better time than spring. It's bright, warm and you'll feel so good for it!
I'm excited to see what Spring will bring!!
Love. Abby x
Nothing beats a clean out! It's the best thing about a new season. I haven't been able to do it as often as I like, since everything I own fits in a backpack now, but I'm just leaving my current country for your beautiful one and a good declutter is just what I need to arrive in Oz ready to take life by the horns! :D
I wish I could fit my life in a backpack! I always end up with too many 'things' but I always find sentimental attatchments and then I cannot throw anything out! Oh wow! I hope you have an amazing time - I'm sure that you will! Where are you off to first? :)